Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wedding Bells

The real reason for our trip North the end of October was for my dear friend Heath's wedding. Heath and I have been friends since almost the first day of high school at good ole Holy Cross in August 2003, and I had the honor of standing up in his wedding as a 'groomswoman'. ;-) He and Nicole are perfect for each other, and will no doubt make one another happy for the rest of their lives. I was so thrilled to be able to be a part of their special day, and really to just be there to celebrate with them.
The wedding took place in Sterling Heights, Michigan (just outside of Detroit). We decided to leave the girls with Mom and Dad as we passed through KY and hitched a ride with Amy and Tim (the BEST traveling companions!). It was a wonderful, kid-free weekend, with lots of friends, food, drinks, and an indoor water park! Ya can't beat that! It really was a beautiful weekend and we wouldn't have missed it. Thanks for letting us be part of it guys! Here are a few photos of the fun...

Where a Kid Can Be a Kid!

I just wanted to share some more of the photos from the fun we had at Chuck E Cheese for Clara's birthday celebration in KY. As I was going back through the shots from that night, and looking at the ones on Debbie's facebook page (thanks for those!) I couldn't help but smile remembering what a great time it was for all of us. I'll let you decide who the biggest kids are!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween

This was the first Halloween that the girls have really understood a little about the holiday. They were VERY excited about dressing up like mermaids (as you will recall), and had been practicing their 'Trick or Treats' for weeks. At the first mention of getting pumpkins, Lilly began BEGGING to paint hers. (Which amazed me that she remembered we had done this last year after pumpkin picking.) It was especially fun for the girls this year I think, because we were still in KY, so they got to go trick or treating with Carson (and Gabby since Tom, Joyce, and Emily stopped by with her!), and they enjoyed all the holiday festivities with Gamma and Papa. I think this meant as much to my mom and dad as it did to the girls. As you will see in the photos, Papa definitely gets into Halloween!

The girls were masters at trick or treating after the first house they went to, and when we got back to mom and dad's house they got a huge kick out of watching my Grandpa Clark give out treats to the neighborhood kids. Before giving up the treat, he would make them watch his trick of wiggling his teeth (his dentures to be more exact!). It really was a riot to watch the reaction of the kids as he did this and by the end of the night, Lilly was trying to do the same thing with her teeth...very funny! Grandma and Grandpa Clark came out to spend some time with us and to enjoy the kiddos on this fun holiday. They actually stayed over and we were all able to go out to breakfast the next morning before heading back to Georgia on Saturday. Enjoy these photos of our Halloween festivities. I absolutely loved this Halloween and reliving all the fun and excitement through the girls. It was amazing to experience something as little as putting your hand in a pumpkin for the first time and dressing up as a favorite imaginary character with the two of them. They are special treats themselves!

Lilly and Clara painting pumpkins that Gamma and Papa picked out for them.

The girls helping Papa decide what kind of face 'George' (our pumpkin man) would have this year. Lilly decided it should be a fun and silly face. ;-)

Lilly putting her hand in a pumpkin for the first (and only!) time. She decided it was 'yucky' and that she'd leave that to Papa.

Clara giving 'George' a kiss before Papa put him on his scarecrow body.

The girls hanging out with Carson before we went trick or treating.

Papa wearing the Cowboy costume that Lilly picked out for him. He was a good sport, though I'm not sure he was crazy about what she picked! Maybe next year we'll let Carson decide what he should be. ;-)

Our gang starting on our trick or treating adventure!

The girls going up to get 'More Candy!' as Lilly would say. After each house she would announce, 'Let's go to another house...and get MORE CANDY!' Clara was Papa's buddy that night. She would not hold hands with anyone else...she was his girl.

On the Move!

Most of you probably read my entry from a month or so ago about my Granny Randol and our plans to walk in the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk in Atlanta. We did do the walk as a family on Clara's 2nd birthday, and had a really nice morning. Also, with the help of many of our closest friends and family, we were able to raise close to $1000 for this wonderful cause. I wanted to share some photos with you from that morning, While we were traveling through KY a couple weeks ago, we were able to visit with Granny for dinner one night and took a few photos as well. Thank you so much to those of you who supported us not only with your donations, but with your thoughts and prayers for my Granny, and all those other individuals out there who are struggling with this terrible disease.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Clara!

So now that you all know how Clara made her grand entrance, we spent the last two weeks of October celebrating her second birthday. Well, at least it felt like we celebrated that long!

We had our first party on the day before her birthday...Friday, the 17th. We already had plans on the 18th to participate in the Alzheimer Association's Memory Walk in Atlanta, so on Friday night we had a mini-party at our house to let her open the gifts from us, as well as the ones from family and friends who had shipped things her way. We had a couple friends over for pizza and wings, and I made (yes...you read that right...I actually baked) her a chocolate fudge cake. It was a great evening...very laid back and fun.

On Saturday morning we got up bright and early to make the drive to Atlanta for the Memory Walk in honor of Granny Randol. It was a little chilly at first, but ended up being a beautiful day, and it was a very special way to spend Clara's birthday. We attached a birthday balloon to the stroller and took her birthday princess crown with us (though she wasn't really too interested in wearing it that morning). It was a great day.

The final celebration took place while we were visiting our family in KY. Since we were coming through town anyway, they held onto their gifts there and we went out to Chuck E Cheese one night and had a little party for Clara then. It really was a lot of fun. Sometimes Clara gets a little overwhelmed in new situations and will become quite clingy, but not that night! She was trying out all the little rides and slides. She really was having a fantastic time. Lilly and Carson enjoyed the trip too. They all especially loved the 'dance cam' where they could see themselves on the televisions as they danced. This was the first time that we have taken the girls someplace like that...I'm certain we'll be doing it more often now though!

I think Clara definitely appreciated how special she felt throughout her birthday celebrations. She is certainly enjoying her new arsenal of toys (as is Lilly) and clothes! We only had a couple of minor meltdowns with Lilly being slightly jealous...she was a very gracious big sister for the most part though. She has already told us what she wants for HER birthday and can describe to anyone when it is going to take place (First we have Thanksgiving, THEN Lilly's birthday). She was very sweet with Clara though...she was the best 'Happy Birthday' singer, and provided an assist with blowing out the candles. And considering she is only two herself, she has done a really great job of respecting that the new things in the house are Clara's new toys, and in turn Clara has been great at sharing her goods. We are so blessed by both of them!

So Happy, Happy Birthday, Clara! You were a beautiful surprise from God, and our lives are enriched each and everyday with your sweet smile and gentle heart. We love you very much!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Look out World...Here I Come

We recently got to celebrate Clara's second birthday. Before I do a post about all the partying we did with her, I wanted to share about her exciting entrance into our lives. Clara was due the weekend after Thanksgiving...but she had another idea in mind!

It was a Wednesday morning (October 18th), and I was up early with Lilly as usual. (Remember that she was only ten months and ten days old at the time!) We had plans to go into Louisville that afternoon to meet my sister in law and nephew for a photo session of the kids in their Halloween costumes. Through Lilly's breakfast and playtime that morning, I was feeling a little under the weather, and while she was taking her morning nap I decided to take a bath and get ready for our trip. I began having some mild aching in my back, and at the risk of being gross on here, lets just say I thought I had to use the bathroom...and just couldn't. When Lilly woke up, instead of having lunch and playtime at home, I went ahead and began the drive to the city. My doctors were there anyway, and I thought that if I didn't feel any better by the time I reached my parents house, I'd give them a call and see what they suggested. About ten minutes into my drive on I-65, I realized that there was more going on than I'd originally thought. The cramping got worse, and closer together...and even though I wouldn't admit yet that I was in labor...on some level, I knew it. So here I was...in labor, driving in the car with my ten month old, and nothing else but her diaper bag, and a chicken costume.

Upon arriving at my parents house, I put Lilly down for a nap and called my doctor. He suggested I come on in to see how things were. I still fully expected he would tell me it was nothing and he'd see me at my next appointment in a week, and I'd be done just in time for our photo session. I called my dad, who came home to sit with Lilly while I ran to the office and ended up filling my mom in...she met me at the doc's office. Boy am I glad she did. Steve was on his way home from work, and I'd told him not to worry about it. I was sure it was nothing, and he should go home and let the dog out. Luckily he decided against that and ended up meeting me at the hospital. It turns out that I didn't have any water left, and Clara was coming early...Mom and I made our way to Labor and Delivery.

Now, here I am in pre-term labor (I probably have been at some level for at least eight or nine hours) and I'm waiting for a C-Section. There are a million things I could be worried about surrounding Clara's delivery and the fact that she is early. But that is not what is on my mind. I am concerned because she is going to be born before Halloween, and she won't have a costume. Stupid, right?! I know. I think on some level this was my minds way of preventing me from focusing on all the things that could be wrong with her, and concentrating on something really trivial. So while we waited for surgery, we decided that since Lilly was a chicken for the holiday, Clara would be an egg. It was very cute...and now you know the answer to the old adage of what came first, the chicken or the egg. It was the chicken, by ten months and ten days. ;-)

Clara was born around 8:30 that evening, and was beautiful. They did watch her breathing closely for the first 24 hours, and we had to work with her eating. She was also a bit jaundiced...but she was perfect. She came home with me on Saturday to meet her big sister. And that was the very fist time that Lilly pulled up...to meet her baby sister, and welcome her home. It was a beautiful moment that I will always treasure.

Clara is still full of surprises, and I'm pretty sure it will stay that way for quite some time. I've yet to decide if that is a good or bad thing, but it adds to our adventure nonetheless, and I wouldn't have her any other way.

Is Anybody Out There?

Howdy all! I know, I know...I never update this thing anymore. What can I say...life happens, and blogging gets placed lower and lower on the 'things to do' list. I'd like to say that will change, but it probably won't. I can only promise to do my best. ;-)

What I can tell you now, is that I am going to do several posts over the next couple days to catch you up on what we've been doing...so stay tuned!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We're on the MOVE!

Okay...so I know it has been awhile. What can I say? Life has been HECTIC, and I guess it is probably going to stay that way right through the new year. More about that later...what I really want to focus on now is my Granny...Mary Randol.

My Granny is an amazing woman. She has taught me about faith, hope, and compassion. She has taught me empathy, sacrifice, and service. Granny has taught me about living life to the absolute fullest and taking care of those I cross paths with along the way. She has taught me that it is the little things that make the biggest difference in the lives of others, and that prayer and trust in God can take you a long way. She has taught me about love...the unconditional kind....the kind that accepts everyone for who they are at their innermost core. The amazing part is, that to teach me these most important life lessons, she never spoke to me about any of them. She simply lived her life the best way she knew how. In doing that, she spoke volumes, without saying a word. My Granny is an amazing woman.

My Granny is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. This is a terrible disease with tremendous symptoms which effect not only the patient, but the entire family. The cause to create awareness, conduct research, and to find a cure for this disease is one that has become very close to my heart for obvious reasons. Granny has been a beautiful blessing in my life. I will never forget the lessons she has taught me. She may not always recognize my face, or remember my name, but I know that deep inside she still holds all of us close to her heart and she will never forget the love that she has for any of those precious to her.

On October 18th Steve and I (with the girls in tow!) will be participating in The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk here in Atlanta in honor of Granny. (This also happens to be Clara's second birthday, and I can think of no better way to spend it!) Today, I am asking for your support to help raise funds and awareness for this wonderful cause. If you are able to make a donation, simply go to the link below, and click on 'Find a Walker'. Do a search for my name and follow the steps...it is very easy. If you are unable to make a monetary donation, I simply ask for your prayers for Granny, and all those who are suffering with this disease, as well as those who are caring for them.

Thank you so much in advance for your help, prayers, and support for this wonderful cause! Enjoy these photos of us with Granny from the last couple of years!

My Memory Walk website is:

Us visiting with Granny in July 2007, just before our move to Georgia.

(I love the photo above of Granny with the girls!)

I'm never be too big to sit on Granny's lap! (Though I do have to be careful not to break her!)
Our visit with Granny in May, when we were home for my cousin's wedding.
Granny and I in May...I know it is a dark photo...but I am fond of it anyway.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dancing Queens

It is no secret that the girls have had a love for reading, music and dancing since they were born. Really. They both love to look at books (and for being so little they are really attentive to them), they sing and talk to themselves all the time (especially Lilly), and they are constantly (and I mean constantly) moving. Some of their favorite shows to watch in prime time this past spring were American Idol and Dancing with the Stars...they also liked So You Think You Can Dance once it started. A few months ago Lilly began to tell us that she wanted to take a dance class. I think she saw a segment on Sesame Street one day (thank you PBS) that took place in a dance class, and so the obsession began. Steve and I talked about it and decided if we could find someplace that had a class for her age we'd let her give it a shot. Most places required that she be three before the classes began in September, but one studio wrote me back and said that they have had some success in the past with 'almost threes' and they'd be willing to let her try it out with not obligation if she wasn't ready. Lilly was so excited...I can't stress how excited she was. It was really all she could talk about from the time we went to size her for her first pair of ballet shoes. I finally had to show her on a calendar how many more days we had before her first class so she would stop obsessing and asking me about it fifteen times a day.

Monday was her first official Pre-Ballet Class. Lilly couldn't wait to get dressed in her new leotard and tights. We got a matching set for Clara (along with her very own 'ballet shoes') so she wouldn't feel left out. They are quite adorable, I must say. Lilly even sat still for about thirty minutes while I tried ten different ways to get her hair to stay in a bun (lots of clips and hairspray people!). We had a long talk about how she needed to listen to the dance teacher and watch the dance teacher. 'We are not supposed to look at ourselves in the mirror, Lilly. You have to watch the teacher so you can learn the dance moves.' Okay, Mommy! This was my biggest fear along the lines of her not being ready for a formal class. She is quite obsessed with watching herself in mirrors, and with being in a room surrounded by them I figured it was sure to be an issue. The sermon was over, the hair was perfect, and we were off. There was a two-way mirror at the studio so we could see in from the waiting room, but the kids couldn't see us. Watching 12 three year olds attempts plies and the different positions was quite hilarious. (I'm sure just as funny was the 12 mothers crowed around a two foot by one foot window peering in.) I think Lilly's favorite part was the 'ballet run' and apparently there was something along the lines of 'bunny hops' as well. I think she did pretty good for the most part from the few minutes I watched. She was watching herself in the mirrors quite a bit (although she did try really hard to do it out of the corner of her eye) and walked away from the group a handful of times (guess she wanted to do a solo!). But I didn't honestly didn't see her doing anything that others in the class weren't doing too. After we had dinner that evening I asked her if she would show my camera some of the things she learned at class that day. She was pretty eager (as was Clara) to show me her stuff. Enjoy!

Under the Sea

We recently began talking to the girls about Halloween and discussed how they get to dress up in costumes for the occasion. Then we asked Lilly what she might like to be and began to run through the gambit of possibilities...butterflies (no)...ladybugs (no)...puppy dogs (no)...how about favorite characters...Sesame Street muppets...maybe Elmo or Zoe...or Abby Cadaby (no)...princesses--Cinderella or Snow White (no). Then Steve said 'How about Nemo?' With this I know my face was quite shocked...why would you suggest this?? Where would we find a Nemo costume that didn't cost a fortune?? Are YOU going to make one?? These are just a few of the questions that ran through my head in about three seconds. But then I thought...she turned everything else down...no worries! With that Lilly yells, 'YEAH! I be like Nemo for Halloween!' This is just great! How in the world am I going to pull this one off?! Over the next days we tried to convince Lilly that she could be lots of other things for Halloween, to which her answer continued to be, 'Nope...I be like Nemo.'

It was time for a little coercion and manipulation...every mother uses these tactics from time to time, right? So I began talking to the girls about all the things that live under the sea...fishes, dolphins, Nemos!...Lilly would add, mermaids ...I would say (and the manipulation begins..he he he). Mermaids! Lilly and Clara would yell in unison. I began talking about mermaids a lot, and we played with Ariel toys and read mermaid books. Then we went to the bookstore one morning for story time, and I saw my opportunity. On a clearance rack was a set of mermaid stickers, complete with two sticker boards (perfect!)

Me: Hey Girls...look at this. Mermaid stickers.

Lilly and Clara: Ooooooohhhhh....Mermaid stickers!

Lilly: I want those, Mommy.

Me: Okay...Hey Lilly, what if you were a mermaid for Halloween?!

Lilly: YEAH!!! I DO be a mermaid for Halloween! Great idea, Mommy!

Score! I sold it! I will admit that I made an attempt a week ago to change her mind one last time to be Tinker Bell (her newest Disney fascination is Peter Pan). We decided that when we pass through KY for my friend's wedding in October we are going to extend our trip through Halloween and I thought it would be adorable for her to be Tink, Clara to be Wendy, and my nephew Carson to be Peter Pan (or Captain Hook if his daddy wouldn't let him wear tights!). But she has become quite obsessed and insistent that she is going to be a mermaid. Through all of this, Clara professed that she is Ariel. No surprise there since she is in love with Prince Eric. This I can do...mermaids shouldn't be too hard, right?!

Well...they are really easy for me, since my wonderful mother-in-law found the cutest ones ever on Amazon, bought them, shipped them, and they are already here. The girls were in love from the moment we opened the box, and they have been wearing the costumes almost every day for at least a few minutes since. They even wore them the other night to visit with Papa on the web cam to sing him 'Happy Birthday' mermaid style. Check them out below...there is a video of them opening the box when it came, as well as one of them trying the costumes on for the first time...adorable! Both of the outfits are a little big (Clara's needs to be taken up quite a bit in the length), but they look great and will be the best dressed mermaids on the block this Halloween. No doubt about that! So thanks Gamma JA...we love you!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Elephant Friends

My mom has gotten a big kick out of sharing the story of Lilly's friend Homer with the family and her friends. We haven't heard much about Homer lately...just a handful of times. Lilly does still maintain her love of elephants though (as well as princess, babies, and dancing!). After seeing the video on here, a friend and coworker of mom's, who we fondly refer to as 'Aunt' Karen, decided to send the girls a package. If you saw us together it would be pretty obvious that Aunt Karen is of no blood relation to us, though she gets a HUGE kick out of seeing the reaction from folks when she tells them she's our aunt! She shares Lilly's love of elephants and wanted to send a couple of special ones to the girls. It was very sweet of her and greatly appreciated. Our new elephant friends have a new home here on top of out toy box and have received much love since their arrival. This particular video ends a little strangely because the memory on the camera was full. We still wanted to share it though, and send our thanks to our favorite non-aunt, aunt! Love ya!

Clara's Love

We have been meaning to get a video of Clara wearing this nightgown for awhile now, and finally did so a few weeks ago before Steve left for Kuwait. It has just taken me a little while to get it posted here. This particular gown was passed down to us from cousin Abby (we love that!) and it has been Clara's favorite ever since. Clara is a huge fan of the little mermaid (more on that to come in a later post), but it wasn't her fascination with Ariel that sparked her interest with this nightgown...it was Prince Eric. The first time we put the gown on Clara, her face lit up and she pointed to the photo of Eric on the shirt and chanted 'Eric...Eric...Eric!' Now it wasn't necessarily what she said, but how she said it, and the fact that for the rest of the night she kept pointing him out to us. We asked her if Eric was handsome and she responded with a resounding, 'YEAH!' Is he your prince, Clara? 'YEAH!' If she had her choice, I'm certain that she would wear this nightgown to bed every night. The video really doesn't do her initial excitement justice, but it is cute nonetheless.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hokies Hokies Hokies

I guess if you've read my previous post, you know that we are Cardinal fans...but we are also college football fans in general. We love this time of year and watching any of the games that are on throughout the week. Steve, being from Virginia, has some ties there with schools and teams that we follow as well, and the biggest one would be Virginia Tech. His Aunt Carol went there, and is as crazy about them as my family is about UofL (maybe even more so, if that is possible). Well they kicked off their season yesterday and the girls and I were watching and cheering them on. At the opening kickoff, VT had a great run down field and Lilly began cheering "Go Go Hokies! Go Carol!" I think she misunderstood when I told her that Carol was at the game, and she thought Carol was actually playing. Either way we were cheering them on! They had a rough start to their season yesterday as well. There is still a TON of football to be played this year though!


A Cheer and a Confession

We are a Cardinal family...no doubt that we bleed RED in this house! We'll see how that fares for us throughout football season this year. I'm afraid I'm not expecting much out of my beloved UofL team (especially since as I write they are losing to our biggest rival by 10...we haven't put a single point on the board in 2 1/2 quarters...woe is me). We will always support our team though. I had the girls practicing their CARDS cheer the other day in preparation for the big kickoff weekend. They are adorable...if I could only keep Clara in the frame of the camera instead of standing behind me trying to watch on the digital screen. Enjoy their little cheer...now its time for my confession...

Last week when we went to pick Lilly up at preschool one day, a gentleman walked by. He was there to pick up his grandson, as he had each day so far, and he was wearing a UK hat. I teased him a bit about it...that he surely wasn't a WILDCAT fan and shared with him that I was from Louisville. We chatted a bit, and went on our way. It was then that I decided I needed to make a phone call home. I talked to mom and asked her to pick up some new UofL tee-shirts for the girls and to try and get them to me before kick-off weekend. When we got up Thursday morning, I dressed the girls in their new shirts, jean skirts, and ponytails. Lots of folks complimented the girls on their Cardware, and told us how cute they were. "Getting ready for football weekend?" they'd ask. What they didn't know was my real motivation for dressing them in their cardinal red on this particular day. I couldn't wait to pick Lilly up at school and tease UK grandpa just a little. With our big rival game this weekend and all, it was just too tempting. Much to my surprise, UK grandpa didn't come to pick up Lilly's classmate that day. I guess it serves me right! With the way things are looking right now, maybe I should be glad that he wasn't there.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Don't sit on Homer!

Get ready for a good laugh here ladies and gents! We went to breakfast at McDonald's this morning before taking Lilly to school. Steve had the morning off and was able to go with us. I took a potty break for myself, and when I returned, the conversation went something like this:

Steve: Be careful, Mommy...don't sit on Homer! (As he looked at Lilly.)

Me: What? Who's Homer? Lilly, who is Homer?

Lilly: Homer the elephant, Mommy. He my friend.

Me: Oh...your friend Homer the elephant. Can you see him?

Lilly: Yeah. He's right there. (As she points to the seat next to her.)

We proceeded to find out a little more about Lilly's new friend, Homer, as the day went on. This evening after dinner I asked her if she would tell my camera about him and she was excited to share so I'll let you enjoy the rest of the scoop via the video. In case you're wondering about the paper towel roll she's playing with...they learned about their mouths at school today and used the rolls as megaphones (like we need THAT in this family!). She and Clara had great fun with them this evening. Sorry if my 'interview' with her is a little redundant, too...in the midst of it I couldn't remember what I'd asked her and I think I ended up double tapping a couple of questions. Wanted to be sure you got all the details though!

On another note...Steve left this evening for Kuwait for a training exercise for a month. This is the first time in about a year that he has had to go anywhere, which was a big change from the last two units we've been in when he was gone quite often. We've gotten spoiled by having him home so much! It was definitely hard for him to leave this afternoon...Lilly was a little sad. I think she does understand on some level that he'll be gone for awhile. Clara kept asking for him at dinner. The month will go by fast for us, but probably slower for Steve. I am just extremely thankful that it is only a month and that its only Kuwait. Nonetheless, please pray for safe travels for Steve, and patience for me. Days with only toddlers can be long and tedious, but I thankfully have some great friends here who will help to give me some much needed adult interaction and/or Mommy time when I need it.

Hope you get as much enjoyment out of Lilly's video as we have today!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Picture Perfect

So a few weeks ago I took the girls to have new portraits made since Lilly's birthday was our last photo session. It is amazing how much they change at this age in such a short time. The photo session was a blast. We went to a local Portrait Innovations and they were amazing. I have heard wonderful things about them from several family members and friends who live in different states and a new studio was just opened here. I really think these are the best shots we've had so far. They worked fantastically with the girls, and were very patient with Clara, who was not the easiest customer. You could never tell it from the photos, but about 75% of the time she was crying or at a minimum fussing. Lilly thought she was a supermodel...no joke. She was throwing her pigtails around and striking poses...too funny. I had 90+ shots to chose from, lots of help from the professional deciding, and the cost of it all was very reasonable. They've got me as a customer for a long time and I would highly recommend them to anyone. Since I got word that all the Grandmas have received their photos now, I can post them here for everyone to see without any repercussions. ;-) They all turned out great, but my absolute favorite is the one of the girls on the beach scene with Lilly playing the bongo drums and Clara dancing to the beat...that one totally fits their personalities! Hope you like them as much as we did!