Thursday, September 11, 2008

Under the Sea

We recently began talking to the girls about Halloween and discussed how they get to dress up in costumes for the occasion. Then we asked Lilly what she might like to be and began to run through the gambit of possibilities...butterflies (no)...ladybugs (no)...puppy dogs (no) about favorite characters...Sesame Street muppets...maybe Elmo or Zoe...or Abby Cadaby (no)...princesses--Cinderella or Snow White (no). Then Steve said 'How about Nemo?' With this I know my face was quite shocked...why would you suggest this?? Where would we find a Nemo costume that didn't cost a fortune?? Are YOU going to make one?? These are just a few of the questions that ran through my head in about three seconds. But then I thought...she turned everything else worries! With that Lilly yells, 'YEAH! I be like Nemo for Halloween!' This is just great! How in the world am I going to pull this one off?! Over the next days we tried to convince Lilly that she could be lots of other things for Halloween, to which her answer continued to be, 'Nope...I be like Nemo.'

It was time for a little coercion and manipulation...every mother uses these tactics from time to time, right? So I began talking to the girls about all the things that live under the sea...fishes, dolphins, Nemos!...Lilly would add, mermaids ...I would say (and the manipulation begins..he he he). Mermaids! Lilly and Clara would yell in unison. I began talking about mermaids a lot, and we played with Ariel toys and read mermaid books. Then we went to the bookstore one morning for story time, and I saw my opportunity. On a clearance rack was a set of mermaid stickers, complete with two sticker boards (perfect!)

Me: Hey Girls...look at this. Mermaid stickers.

Lilly and Clara: Ooooooohhhhh....Mermaid stickers!

Lilly: I want those, Mommy.

Me: Okay...Hey Lilly, what if you were a mermaid for Halloween?!

Lilly: YEAH!!! I DO be a mermaid for Halloween! Great idea, Mommy!

Score! I sold it! I will admit that I made an attempt a week ago to change her mind one last time to be Tinker Bell (her newest Disney fascination is Peter Pan). We decided that when we pass through KY for my friend's wedding in October we are going to extend our trip through Halloween and I thought it would be adorable for her to be Tink, Clara to be Wendy, and my nephew Carson to be Peter Pan (or Captain Hook if his daddy wouldn't let him wear tights!). But she has become quite obsessed and insistent that she is going to be a mermaid. Through all of this, Clara professed that she is Ariel. No surprise there since she is in love with Prince Eric. This I can do...mermaids shouldn't be too hard, right?!

Well...they are really easy for me, since my wonderful mother-in-law found the cutest ones ever on Amazon, bought them, shipped them, and they are already here. The girls were in love from the moment we opened the box, and they have been wearing the costumes almost every day for at least a few minutes since. They even wore them the other night to visit with Papa on the web cam to sing him 'Happy Birthday' mermaid style. Check them out below...there is a video of them opening the box when it came, as well as one of them trying the costumes on for the first time...adorable! Both of the outfits are a little big (Clara's needs to be taken up quite a bit in the length), but they look great and will be the best dressed mermaids on the block this Halloween. No doubt about that! So thanks Gamma JA...we love you!

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