Greetings visitors! I'm not really sure where I should begin with my initial attempt at blogging. A very good friend of mine suggested I start a blog after reading a long e-mail Family Update that I sent out with some photos. I was hesitant at first because I didn't want to feel obligated to write something everyday, and I didn't know how I felt about adding another thing to my 'things to do' list. The more I thought about it, I decided it will be fun to have another way to document the life that I love with my hubby and toddler girls and to capture the ins and outs of a sometimes (okay....usually) crazy life. We have been talking for awhile about starting a journal for each of our girls with all the funny things they do and I can do it here and share it with the world. (Don't know how they'll feel about that when they're teenagers!)
One of the first things you'll notice about me is that I'm rarely a woman of few words. My family used to give me a hard time growing up about how I could never tell a 'short' story. I think that might serve me well here. I'll do my best on this first blog to give you a 'quick' background on me, and hopefully from there I'll build based on what is going on in our little piece of the world!
I was born and raised a Kentucky girl in Louisville...a fantastic place to live I must say. I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving family; the best parents, an awesome brother (and now sister-in-law and nephew) and a huge extended family, as well as amazing friends. I attended college at Bellarmine University...also in Louisville (though I did win the battle to live in the dorms rather than at home...which was only 20 minutes away). I was on track to graduate with a degree in Elementary and Special Education the summer after my junior year when I met my husband-to-be.
This KY chick had never left the state except for the occasional family vacation, and I had never been out of the country (does Canada count?)...okay out of the continent. Little did I know that this Military man would sweep me off my feet and life would never be the same again! We met the end of July, got engaged in April (April Fools weekend to be exact), graduated in May, moved to Oklahoma in July, and married the following April 13th. Since our wedding six years ago, I have acquired and amazing family in my in-laws, and through our life in the military I have another family that I never expected...Our Army Family. And when I say family I meant just that...they are not acquaintances that we have met along the way and forget about with the next assignment. They are part of our family and we will always be connected because of the special bond we have as Army Wives, Army Brats, and Soldiers/Officers. FT Sill, Oklahoma was the first stop on my new adventure as an Army Wife and since then we have lived in Bamberg, Germany; FT Knox, KY; and now we are stationed outside of Atlanta, GA at FT McPherson. As the saying goes...Home is where the Army sends us!
The next adventure I embarked on was motherhood...and what a ride it is! We have two beautiful girls...ages 28 months and 18 months. Yes, you read that right...they are ten months and ten days apart. Our second little chick was quite a surprise to us since her big sister was only four months old when I realized I was pregnant. She then decided to come into the world five weeks early, which is why they are even closer in age than they would have been. We wouldn't have it any other way though. I have loved having them so close together and though it has been rough at times, it wasn't nearly as hard as I had imagined. Talk about unconditional love...they have taught me the true meaning of that...what a blessing they are. that's a little about me. The other thing you should know is that I'm not very technologically'll have to bear with me as I figure out the ins and outs of 'blog world'. I'm trying to determine the pros/cons of using our real names on the site or using nick-names. I've looked at lots of blogs over the weekend and have seen a little of both...I guess I need to decide how paranoid I need to be about someone stealing our identity or thinking we seem like fun and coming to see us. Any advice on that from professional bloggers out there?
I have some fun photos/stories from the weekend that I may try to post over the next couple of days to get a jump start on my new found means of communication, and then I hope to leave a message at least a couple of times a week. We'll see how it goes from there! Finally, if you happen across my little blog and have one of your own, I'd love to check it out. Leave the link here in the comments, or e-mail it to me!
Until next time...Ciao!
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Hi Christie! This is such a great idea - I always enjoy your long newsy emails, and will look forward to semi-regular updates here as well!
Testing to see if I remember my Blogger ID!
I am so excited about your blog!
You will rock the blog world... it doesn't take that much technology!
Now if we could just figure out how to get our video of "smooth" up here...
Love ya girl!
HI Christie this is a great idea!! I can't wait to read more about my neices. Love you all!!!
Great idea Christie! I'll check back for frequent updates. Love the name- but I guess that makes us the Turkey Family!
Thanks for sharing! Hokie Pokie Carol
From one who considers themselves pretty technoligically savvy, I think you've done a WONDERFUL job!!!! Atta girl! OK, so we have a chicken family and a turkey family, given my husband and son's affiliation, and keeping with the bird assimilies, we'll be the Falcon family!
Love ya,
The Beach connection
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